Alien Dragon(มังกรเอเลี่ยน)
Alien Dragon

Hatching Time:12:00:00
Gems Cost:1000
Sell Price:5000

It's a dragon from another universe, a completely unindentified and an alien entity! Don't even try to fool this creature, it can read your mind before you even think your thoughts!How to Breed Alien:
Alien is not Currently Breedable. Sorry.Trained Attacks:

- Element:Physical
- Base Damage:638
- Level Gained:4

- Element:Sea
- Base Damage:1050
- Level Gained:4

- Element:Physical
- Base Damage:863
- Level Gained:8

- Element:Metal
- Base Damage:1050
- Level Gained:15
Trainable Attacks:

- Element:Sea
- Base Damage:1200
- Training Time:24:00:00
- Level Required:15

- Element:Physical
- Base Damage:900
- Training Time:24:00:00
- Level Required:15

- Element:Metal
- Base Damage:1350
- Training Time:48:00:00
- Level Required:15
Karate Brick Break
- Element:Physical
- Base Damage:1013
- Training Time:24:00:00
- Level Required:15
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