Animation Dragon(มังกรอะนิเมชั่น)
Animation Dragon
- Hatching Time: 16:00:00
- Category: 4
- Earnings: 10
- Increase: 7
- XP: 30000
- Gems Cost: 1000
- Sell Price: 100000
It's been a while since dragons evolved from frozen frames and began to walk, fly and fight! And it's all thanks to the animation wizards and magae! Animation Dragon was the first of its kind. Thats why he is so special and loved by everyone.How to Breed Animation?
Animation is not Currently Breedable. Sorry.Trained Attacks:

- Element:Physical
- Base Damage:338
- Level Gained:4

- Element:Sea
- Base Damage:550
- Level Gained:4

- Element:Physical
- Base Damage:863
- Level Gained:8

- Element:Electric
- Base Damage:550
- Level Gained:15
Trainable Attacks:

- Element:Sea
- Base Damage:1200
- Training Time:24:00:00
- Level Required:15

- Element:Electric
- Base Damage:1200
- Training Time:24:00:00
- Level Required:15

- Element:Sea
- Base Damage:1350
- Training Time:48:00:00
- Level Required:15

- Element:Electric
- Base Damage:1350
- Training Time:48:00:00
- Level Required:15
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